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What we do in Thailand

According to the results of the PISA tests of the national school systems, Thailand is at the end of the list of participating countries. Furthermore, in the rural areas of the North and Northeast, poor families often cannot afford paying for their children’s extracurricular costs. Therefore, they sometimes do not send them to school, let alone to university. Missed education often leads to a life of poverty or worse, to the tourist night clubs in the South. 
Since 2006, HopeHouse has supported the education of more than 1000 youngsters during their three-year secondary or senior high school. The foundation bears the costs of school transport, meals, school uniform where necessary, special courses, and sports activities. Donated funds are administered by our persons of confidence in Thailand who are in constant touch with the families to ensure a just and optimal allocation of resources. In 2022, we have added two more primary schools in Thailand to our support list.

Scholarships for University

Educational scholarships are provided by the Foundation to support gifted youth. As many as 14 students at a time receive HopeHouse funding for their four years of studies at the university. They are closely followed by our director, Dr. Gilles Bernard, and his wife Lamphun. Every year, students graduate with distinction and receive their Bachelor degree in Computer Programming, Math, Environmental Health, Engineering, and English. And just as important: They instantly found a well paid job in their field. A great success, also for HopeHouse! In 2019, one of our best students was elected to go to Japan where he will study robotics at a highly rated Tokyo university, which is often compared to MIT in Boston. This year, another student emigrated to Japan and another got a managerial position in a big international Group in Bangkok. However, we are very selective with students going to University, it is not the number that counts but their qualifications and eagerness to study. Hence, many of them become HPI (High Potential Individual) students, and we are very proud of them.

Facilitating Career Entry - English Crash Courses

Even with a secondary school education, career opportunities and prospects, e.g. in the booming tourism industry, are very limited. Therefore, about 25 school graduates and/or students in their last school year benefit from English crash courses given by Dr. Gilles Bernard and his wife Lamphun. The courses have met with tremendous success, be it in preparation for university or professional career. Many among them successfully pass the TOEIC Professional English Exam in Bangkok.

Where does your money go:  Facts and Figures




LAOS - a new challenge - we need YOU!

In Laos, schools are worse off than in Thailand. They are short of everything. In September 2016, with only CHF 10.000, we provided 125 secondary school students with basic necessities, school supplies and simple sportsware. We equipped their computer room with 17 new computers - hardware and software - while the teacher was handed over a laptop and projector. They simply love HopeHouse!

And what has been done since ?
5 more computers have replaced old equipment in the aforementioned school. 
In 2018, HopeHouse has financed the project of a basic science laboratory of which 300 students benefit.

And we decided to sponsor another 125 students, resulting in a total of 250 students at this same school.

During Covid, the Laotian borders were closed. Yet, we could provide some help through special ways.

Cumulatively, the number of youths sponsored in Laos will be around 350.


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Contact Foundation Switzerland

Fondation HopeHouse «Sawatdi»
Chemin du Pérou 11
CH-1436 Chamblon
Tel +41 (0)24 454 12 21 (President)

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